TCG UNITECH is working in accordance with an extended concept of quality. It encompasses all levels of our business activities. In this regard, we pursue a zero-error strategy in our production and continuously strive towards improvements. For that reason, we utilise high-performance measuring methods on the one side and the highly developed quality awareness as well as new technical potential of our employees that are integrated into a continuous training process on the other side. Each employee of TCG UNITECH is aware of the high quality requirements and contributes to the absolute customer satisfaction. The constant training and development on the utilised technologies and processes and a detailed product know-how have proved a recipe for this.
The innovative future orientation of TCG UNITECH also manifests itself in ecological dimensions, which we reconcile with all aspects of economic efficiency. In concrete terms, this means that all our processes are accompanied by a permanent environmental audit to prevent environmentally relevant effects of pollution, from the source to the end of the life cycle of our products.
By an integrated supply chain from the supplier to the customer as well a constant control of our production processes we achieve a continuous service improvement in the area of quality of delivery.